Sunday, October 15, 2006


It was another rainy day(how come its a rainy day whenever i write something sensible?????? maybe even gods are amazed to see that i got a few grey cells)..I was at peace ( ya! ya! i can see some of you wishing me to rest in the same... keep wishing) with the world, life and everything there is to be peace with....a bit drowsy, i was dreaming just what colour wallpaper my house in the south coast of France sport( yes! i build not castles in the air but whole skyscrapers... just hope the bricks don't hurt when that falls to pieces....)

In case you were wondering where i was, you would be surprised to find me in the best place in the world for daydreamers,insomniacs and simply lazy bums.... THE CLASSROOM.... but my class or its drab environs alone were not responsible for my frequent forays into the realm of fantasy... it was the litany of condense, complex and confusing words( that is "a lecture" for non-geeks) that any college-going chap would give his girlfriend to avoid....

"wake up! wake up".... "who..what??" ..slurp (err... sucking-drool sound).." he is looking at you!"..."who.. where??.. oh yes!!".."you..yes..i am talking to you..welcome back to earth..a bit sleepy aren't we today" ( who was he kidding?.. i could see that he was all awake.. its "aren't you" buddy .. and they pay these guys to teach us grammar..just imagine)... in case you are wondering thats how most of my lectures go.. and that day i couldn't even deny that i was dozing coz he would have gotten my book only to see something like ECG( and a little wet stain on the edge).. in my experiences with lectures at least this one went well... there was this class where i was discussing some serious stuff regarding our very lives, with my pal (actually girls is more like it), when the lecturer ( now thats a repugnant word if ever there was one) asks us if he could do something for us(to make us stop talking that he his dreams..).. well. i almost asked for a coffee......

lectures.. ya.. those lullabies( funny to think a 50-year old fat,bald man with a wart on his nose singing a lullaby isn't it???? not so funny if he makes you stare blankly at his face for an hour in addition to making you positively swoon with sleep) a pill isn't as good as one of my lecturers...funny how much you pay for a decent degree, realising a little too late that you find cutting (classes) better than comprehending( or at least trying your best to appear as if you are).....there is this saying "talking in Greek and Latin" ,well my lecturers seem to speak mandarin chinese with fluency( or at least thats how it sounds like to me)...whenever one of my teachers asks us if "its clear???", i feel like saying its as clear as a freshly painted wall....

see what i mean when i say these things are cool for insomniacs. they just pay the fees and voila! their very own lean (noooo...), mean(yes! yes! yes!...) sleeper machine....daydreamers get a full hour to indulge in their favourite fantasies( at least in your thoughts coz it looks a bit funny if you stand up in class and flap your hands as if you are flying)....and sloths get an hour to sit without doing perfectly nothing except drooling a bit from the corners of your mouth( which comes automatically after ten minutes in class)...well there wasn't much to think about( i mean if you can, then either you are a geek or its not a lecture) back to the bungalow-in-the-south-side-of-France thing it was..let me add a french girlfriend to that...naah..who knows i may be boyfriend number 47 for where was i?? ya the hall..guess lavender will for the bedroom....oh! and bye people......